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Dec 16, 2022
GCAD's Ambitious Efforts to Promote Wine Tourism and Unveil the Black Sea Wine Route
🎙️ Nato Kldiashvili, representative and poject coorinator of Fund - GCAD • ფონდი - საქართველოს აგრობიზნესის განვითარების ცენტრი spoke about the Sea of wine project on the air of TV Rioni • ტელეკომპანია “რიონი“.
👥 The audience had the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities carried out within the framework of the project, information about the new ICT patform and the Black Sea wine route.
🍷 Under the SeaOfWine project GCAD is working with the public and private sector, including local associations and wineries in order to prepare a corresponding basis for wine tourism popularization among international visitors.
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